At no point did I say this would be easy. Literally none.

“It’s hard to make living.” “It’s not easy writing a book.” “You’re better off going back to uni.” These are just some of the things I heard when I chose to tell people about my desire to become an author. It was always from people I’d known for a long time, because those were theContinue reading “At no point did I say this would be easy. Literally none.”

Just a little teaser – there’s more to come I promise ;)

As promised here’s a little taste of my YA fiction book coming out in just over a month. Alexis Angelo is the daughter of a mafia boss trying to navigate high school, boys and friends. Despite knowing the risks of the family business she is determined to follow in her father’s footsteps. Alexis deals withContinue reading “Just a little teaser – there’s more to come I promise ;)”