I don’t know if I started it but I’m quite certain I’ll finish it

With isolation comes fights, movie nights and pranks. Matt has shown me many videos on tiktok of couples who have pranked each other. My Facebook feed is also full of them. There was this one woman who put baking soda in her fiance’s tomato sauce but it exploded too early and went everywhere and heContinue reading “I don’t know if I started it but I’m quite certain I’ll finish it”

Coping with isolation? I’m not great at the advice but I have a lot of sarcastic comments

My partner Matt has had to start working from home. He’s been doing this for the past three or four weeks. Honestly they’re all blending together a bit. In the past week he’s only left the house once. For someone like me that’s like a dream come to true. For someone like him, it’s akinContinue reading “Coping with isolation? I’m not great at the advice but I have a lot of sarcastic comments”