Retail Rants

Here you’ll find all the blog posts where I rant about my time working in retail and the reasons I dislike the general population. Feel free to join me in this sea of saltiness.

Disclaimer: Don’t jump in with any open wounds as the saltiness can cause extra pain.

Don’t sell your soul for 5%. Hold out for 10.

How many mixed metaphors can I shove into this one?

End of year wrap up

As we slide into the new year, a wrap up of last year is a little over due. For starters I’d like to address a post I made, it was one of the first, about my plans to read a whole bunch of books. Well that didn’t happen. Not even a little bit. I actually…

Retail Rant 3 – The Trifecta

Just another rant about why I dislike people who don’t take responsibility for themselves or those they’re responsible for. Some adult language. PG-13