
Welcome to the inner workings of my twisted mind

This is the post that tells you who I am


A little awkward, a little weird, but stick around it might be fun

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound as they fly by – Douglas Adams

These are the posts that tell you my latest thoughts and feelings about things

Even if the voices aren’t real they have some good ideas

And here’s all the stuff I’ve written so far

Does this qualify for Go Fund Me?

I encountered a group of people who confuse and concern me. I didn’t know that they were of this particular type when we first met. As a matter of fact I thought they were quite different than they are but after an eye opening conversation at work I’ve come to realise that maybe the people…

I’m Not 20 Anymore

I’ve officially reached the next level of adulthood and self awareness. 1. I’m not young enough to drink that much and be okay the next day. 2. only when I drink that much do I admit I’m not okay to begin with.


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