Things They Don’t Tell You About Pregnancy Pt.1

This one isn’t so much funny haha as its more funny eheh well shit.

My Husband has a New Boyfriend

My husband has a boyfriend. Well to be fair he has two boyfriends. He has his new work boyfriend and his high school sweetheart who was also the best man at our wedding. These two boyfriends have never met, it would probably be weird if they did because they’re pretty different, but of course similarContinue reading “My Husband has a New Boyfriend”

End of year wrap up

As we slide into the new year, a wrap up of last year is a little over due. For starters I’d like to address a post I made, it was one of the first, about my plans to read a whole bunch of books. Well that didn’t happen. Not even a little bit. I actuallyContinue reading “End of year wrap up”