The Bright Side

Mum pointed out the other week that a lot of my posts are about negative stuff. She’s not wrong, I do write about a lot of negative things, it’s easy for me to poke fun at the negative stuff. The asshole customers and the judgey people that I have to deal with. Honestly a lot of those situations were just asking to be mocked or ranted about.

Today however I am going to focus on the good stuff.

This morning I woke up ridiculously early for my pregnant body to handle, that’s not the good stuff and neither was the early morning puke that made eating five minutes before that absolutely pointless. The good part was that it meant I was finished with work by lunchtime which meant I had the rest of the day to do whatever I wanted with the rest of my day.

I went to the veggie shop next door to work and found 500g punnets of cherry tomatoes for $2.99. Dad did not understand my excitement, mum however did. I got two, because they are one of my favourite pregnancy snacks.

I didn’t have any asshole customers today either, which honestly was a miracle in and of itself.

Last night I discovered that if I take my leave from work at half pay then I can potentially start my maternity leave earlier than intended and still have almost an entire year with my Predator Cub. Yay for long service leave. This may not seem like a big deal, but it actually took so much pressure off of me and made me feel less trapped in the Hellmouth that is my work.

Matt is also happy for me to start maternity leave earlier than 34 weeks as is mandated by my workplace. Honestly the day that I quit he’ll probably be more relieved than I am.

I managed to make a double batch of amazing protein balls

We shall henceforth be referring to them as Amazeballs of Energy.

Seriously anything relatively healthy that can be fed to my nephew without him complaining about it is a miracle in and of itself.


I made a double batch of peanut butter chocolate chip cookies

A recipe that was introduced to our family many years ago by my brother’s girlfriend at the time. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Madi you are an angel.

Why did I make so much stuff for stuff the two of us you might ask?


I have a husband who constantly eats my food. Especially my snacky food. The only snacky food he doesn’t eat is my tomatoes and he bitches at me every time he sees me eating them like apples.

Everything else though, he eats.

His mum bought me a Toblerone bar for Easter, I wasn’t in the mood for it at the time it was given to me because I’d just had lunch which apparently said to Matt that I didn’t want any ever. In all fairness he did remind me once that it was still there waiting for me to finish (he’d already eaten half). He reminded me of this as I was making dinner though so I told him that I would have some later.

It is all gone.

Last night I went to throw a soup packet in the bin and found that he had eaten my gluten free knock off M&Ms that Aldi sell.

Seriously dude. For the love of every god just eat the chocolate spread from the jar with a spoon like the rest of us. Stop eating other people’s snacks!

Which brings us too now.

Tomorrow we are going to Ikea with my parents to look at some baby stuff for us and kitchen stuff for them. There will be a fair amount of walking and browsing and staring and Matt is going to get crabby. Dad will probably get crabby too.

Hell, I’m going to get crabby.

So, the plan I’ve devised is that mum and I drop Matt and dad off in one of the rooms with a TV playing some kids movie. I leave them each with a pack of tiny teddies or shapes or whatever comes out of my bag first.

Mum and I will go and look at stuff and narrow down our choices. We may need to make a few laps back to the drop off point to throw another packet of something at them.

I will have my baggy of protein balls to keep my pregnant ass moving. I will share them with mum because I love her and if I don’t, she’ll take one anyway.

To be fair she did make me.

Eventually when we’ve narrowed down all our options to what we want we’ll call the men, they’ll come find us (because by this point, we’re not walking back just to hold their hands). They um and ah their opinions and Matt will veto a chair for the baby’s room because the back is too short or something which will be fine because I only put that chair in there as a red herring and we’ll leave with the one I wanted the entire time.

Afterwards we’ll spend a ridiculous amount of time going through the mall section of Ikea while Matt and dad shut up and look pretty and laugh at the stupid puns I make out of Swedish names for things.

At some point actual food will be eaten.

Solid plan, yes?

There’s probably going to be a small tanty thrown by one of us. I want to say it’ll be Matt but it’s more than likely going to be me. I’m due for one, which is another reason that I have made so many of these delightful snacks. Can’t throw a tanty if I’m constantly riding a sugar high.

No, mum, that is not the logic that I’m going to apply to Predator Cub or any future Cub.


Speaking of Predator Cub, the best thing that has happened this week is not only feeling the tiny demon get stronger and more active but actually being able to see the kicking happening inside me.

Not going to lie it was so weird to just see this tiny section of my bump just you know…do the thing. Especially since I’ve been told by many people and books to not expect to see or feel movement on the outside until I’m much further along. Seeing the poke from the inside out was surreal.

I’m sure that eventually I’ll get sick and tired of the constant moving around and keeping me awake at night but for now we’re focusing on the good things.

Also, I finally get to see how much Predator has grown in the last month and a bit in a few days. We’ll get to see if he’s short and tiny like his father was or long and lean like me.

Today we’re focusing on the good stuff. I’ll be darkly funny tomorrow.


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