Getting Back on Track

So, I was going to post something the other night after I had managed to make my house not look it had been struck by a tornado but then the dog knocked over my diet coke while I was trying to eat my noodles for dinner and I was so tired and stressed and mentally exhausted that I cried on and off for three hours until Matt came home from work and took me to HJ’s for chips and a thick shake.

Now it’s Valentine’s day and it’s been far more busy and full on but less exhausting and stressful.

Probably helps that Matt and I were able to get one of biggest jobs mostly completed today. We built a fence for the garden so that we can leave the dogs outside unsupervised without worrying that one of the boofheads is going to eat my fruit trees or aloe vera plant.

Next weekend we’ll sort out the gate for the side so I can access my plants and Matt has plans to build me a double level planter box. He’s actually pretty adorable. When we first met he wasn’t handy at all. He was very much a “if I want something done I’ll pay them to do it.” Whereas I come from a family of “if we can do/learn to do it ourselves we’re not paying someone else to do it.” Don’t get me wrong. The world needs people like he used to be. A lot of businesses rely on people who can’t or don’t want to do something themselves.

There’s no way that I’m going to learn how to fix an air conditioner or install lights. Good thing my dad is also a licensed electrician.

Circling back. Matt has come a long way since then. Just in the time that we’ve been living together he’s learnt how to do so many things. While we ended up getting someone in to do the paving properly he still learnt how to do it. He’s even gone from his cushy office job to being a full blown tradie apprentice. It’s adorable.

When we were getting the fence stuff sorted out I asked if he wanted me to get started on putting it together while he was at work. He very adamantly told me no and that it’s his project. He doesn’t mind me helping him but I’m not allowed to do it myself. Doesn’t actually phase me as it’s kinda cute doing house projects together.

Speaking of projects, I’ve finally gotten my shit together and am working on my second book. Originally I had wanted to have it finished and ready to be published by the end of January but with everything that happened last year with Covid and the wedding and then Christmas that just wasn’t happening.

I’m now hopefully looking at an end of June release date. I’ve also got a new work schedule coming into play in March which will hopefully help give me more time and mental energy to achieve this goal. At the moment my work roster has me doing early mornings and I’m wanting to go to bed by 8.30 which doesn’t help since my creative juices don’t even start flowing until then.

Now I’m going to go start on the chocolate truffles that Matt lovingly took me to the chocolate factory to get and forget about the fact that I was going to make pasta for dinner tonight. Oh and work on my book haha. Hope you all had a good Valentine’s day or Sunday depending on how you feel about it.

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