Mafia Princess: The Paperback

I am very pleased to announce that Mafia Princess has now grown up into a beautiful paperback!

Isn’t she pretty??

And here’s a little something extra.

*insert bookmarks photo*


Look at these!!!!

This paperback has been such a labour of love. The first proof copy didn’t come back as perfect as I would’ve liked. For starters the cover was blurry and I was a bit disappointed. Lets not even get started on the typos and errors inside the book.

Mum and I thought that we got all of them before we sent it off to the printer. Turns out that we did not. So for the millionth time I read and reread the book finding every single mistake…I hope.

Good God I hope.

So while the typos were being fixed my graphic designer set to work to fix the cover. Little thing that we didn’t know when we sent the book off to be printed…the PPI was not high enough for printing. 70PPI is perfect for uploading to the internet but for printing you need it to be a fair bit higher, 300PPI to be exact.

So thus began the rebuilding of the cover art. And voila!

I’m also creating an etsy account which I’ll add to the contact page as well as the home page. The reason I’ve started the etsy store is because I can’t currently afford to upgrade my account here to a business account which would enable me to sell my books through the website.

They should also become available for purchase through Amazon but I need to look into that some more.

Every copy purchased through me personally or through the etsy will be signed by me and you’ll also have the option of requesting a message to be written. The messages can be up to 30 words.

I’m also looking at doing more of my own merchandise for the book and eventually the Mafia Princess series and whatever I write beyond that. The merch that I create will become available for sale as they get perfected.

So there you have it. 

I’m also working on a post about the process that I went through in regards to getting my book to print and hopefully will be able to build a series of posts around self-publishing to maybe one day help someone else decide if this is the road they want to take.

I just have to wait for the book boxes I’ve ordered to arrive before I can start shipping orders but they should arrive middle of next week (16th) and I can start shipping ASAP.

Thank you everyone for your continuing support, I appreciate it to absolutely no end.

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