2020 Reading list

I’m a big reader, always have been. Life may have gotten a little crazy lately but what better way to escape the harsh realities surrounding us than to bury ourselves in a good book.

Figuratively mind you. Unless of course it is your desire to have your coffin made out of many copies of your favourite book. Talk about biodegradable funeral options.

Possibly premature death aside, here’s my list of what I’ll be reading over the next nine months and why.


Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas: Love this series. With every new book that got released I would start the series all over again. I love Aelin and Rowan and their stories. At first when they started being all adorable with their animosity towards each other I was kind of eh. I mean, what about Chaol. And then he was a dick. So you know, every re-read now I’m just waiting for Rowan to come in with all his gruff glory.

Starcrossed trilogy by Josephine Angelini: It’s got Greek mythology. It’s got strong sassy women and cute guys who fight for what they believe in. Also did I mention the Greek mythology (something I’ve loved since mum first introduced me to Xena and Hercules as a kid). The lies and deception that kept Helen and Lucas apart for so long gave me some upsetting flashbacks to Mortal Instruments but the feeling when the come back together. Loooove it.

Shadow Falls series by C. C. Hunter: Sass. Shape shifting. Jealous exes getting what’s coming to them. Werewolves and vampires and faeries. Oh my! Also I think I have a small thing for fictional characters named Lucas…

The Nick Chronicles by Sherrilyn Kenyon: I haven’t read the final book yet because I wanted to go back to re-read the series first. I love how protective Nick is of his mum and literally anyone he cares remotely about. His desire to protect and do the right thing leaves me hoping that he will defy his destiny. Guess I’ll just have to read Intensity to find out how he goes.

Pretty much everything by Cassandra Clare: I’ve read all of the Mortal Instruments except for the last book (I think), and I’ve read the first two Infernal Devices but The Dark Artifices really falls into the New Reads category that follows. I love the world that Cassandra Clare built. She played with my feelings a little too much with the whole “Are Jace and Clary really siblings?” thing. I mean…come on…who else felt weirdly torn about incest. On the one hand they’re siblings…on the other they’re fictional and technically not breaking any real life laws with their incestuous love. And then you find out that they’re NOT siblings and can go back to be wholly against incest, which was a relief I’ll tell you that much.


A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J Maas: If her characters in this series are anywhere near as amazing and lovable as they were in her ToG series then I know I’m going I’m going to be riding the feels train the whole time.

The Steampunk Chronicles by Kady Cross: I’m about 80% certain that I read The Girl in the Steel Corset when I was in highschool. However I have blocked out a lot of Year 11 and 12 so many of the books that I read back then might as well have never happened. Therefore it’s a whole new world. You’ve got steampunk, a kick-ass heroine and Victorian England. What’s not to get excited about? Also I just love the cover art.


Now don’t get me wrong. The books I name below are some that I hold near and dear to my cold dead heart. However with everything that is currently going on in the world my overactive imagination (while great for creating plot-lines) is not great for keeping calm.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: Global disaster leading to a dystopian future. Need I say more? As soon as China went into lock down and the store I work at started being bombarded by panic buyers I knew. I actually said to my fiance these exact words, “I know how this ends, I read Hunger Games,”…it was then followed up by his question of “what happened in Hunger Games?” Breaking up was considered but I decided we should stay together for the cats.

Divergent Series by Veronica Roth: Again. Dystopian future. I have not yet read the books but I did watch the movies with the full intent of reading the books afterwards in case the movies didn’t hold true to the books (Mortal Instruments I’m looking at you). This particular read will be left until after we’re no longer on the verge of being segregated into districts or factions or forced to kill each other for food.

Some movies that also won’t be watched (in addition the adaptions of the above) are A Quiet Place, Maze Runner (yes I know it was a book first but I don’t happen to own the trilogy), I Am Legend (started watching it and stopped when I was told about his dog, no new plans to finish) and the Resident Evil series. Milla Jovovich is a babe and the pit of Alice’s had me singing “Living next door to Alice” to myself or days but maybe it’ll be something to watch at Christmas.

Alright, well there’s my list of planned reads for the rest of the year. Even though the only way I’ll actually be able to stay home from work is if I get sick I will endeavour to complete this list. If anyone else has any suggestions of books to read, please chuck me a comment. As you may have noticed I don’t have a lot of “new reads” and I would love to get unhealthily emotionally attached to some new fictional characters.

One thought on “2020 Reading list

  1. Hi SJ, Starcrossed sounds really interesting. I’ve been into atmospheric crime/mystery and have discovered Ann Cleeves (Shetland, Vera and a few stand-alones). There’s BBC series of both and I have to say I love the Shetland ones (only the shows based directly on Cleeves’s books) better than the actual books, mostly because Douglas Henshall fits the character of Jimmy Perez better in my mind. If you want to experience any of Cleeves’s work, my top pick would be the BBC episode of Raven Black.


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